Medias of the Moment

©opyright 2003


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06.02.2003 -

sorry for the lack of posts for the past few days, been busy u know. ;p. i've finally seen the sun for the past week. been waking up ~6pm and going to sleep ~6am. managed to finally not goto sleep this morning. went out for a walk and ended up going to Barnes & Noble and Safeway. yum. roast chicken.

my internet is finally back to normal. turns out that stupid comcast wasnt assigning a correct ip to me. had to reconfigure the MAC address on the router and it seems to work fine now.

new media of the moment: Tenacious D - Spiderman Spoof (MTV Movie Awards). got it off enjoy!

ever wondered what the Merovingian was cursing in French in Matrix Reloaded: Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperies de connards d'enculés de ta mère.? according to babelfish: Name of God of whore of bloody hell of filths of jerks of fucked up the ass your mother. if someone could gimme a better translation, i'd be more than happy to post it up.

thanks to ungsunghero for donating this article. one wonders why Keanu Reeves is that generous. on the other hand, donating to effects and costume designers??? don't they get paid well already?

thanks to js8 for donating this game. only interesting if you know some programming/html skills. goal is to hack their code.

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