Medias of the Moment

©opyright 2003


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07.14.2003 -

remember, the 15th is:


went deal hunting sunday with ungsunghero and met the rudest biaaatch @ omax. we were trying to do a price match to their freaken online store and she was trying to give us hell. went back to ungsunghero's place as we attempt to fix his computer. apparently the new ram he installed was causing his computer to auto-shutdown/reboot. afterwards, he treated me to carl's jr for my 10mins of supervision. hehe. got home and for some reason i fell asleep and woke up the next morning.

started playing Rise of Nations. finally something that might last me longer than 2 days. hehe.

thanks to cruiser for donating this link: Matrix Clip (ascii) and this funny picture:

thanks to _________ (i believe i took this off someone's profile) for donating this video clip: piano game maniac. remember the tetris maniac, well, here's that piano type game version of it.

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