Medias of the Moment

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11.04.2003 -

how badly did i fail the midterm? not too badly... it was rather easier than i expected, but that doesn't mean i aced it. i mean if u expected something to be impossible, it was not as hard as expected just merely means it is now possible, but doesn't imply it's easy. afterwards I worked more on my cs164 project. came home around 3:30 (yes that's AM). sigh... due tomorrow too! and we're not close to finish.

Matrix Revolutions premieres today. Liam invited me to go, but i had to decline. stupid cs164 project. his way to tempt me was, I have a midterm tomorrow too! hehe.

did i complain about how my computer's been crapping out lately? as many of you know, my computer is MY LIFE. No computer, no Krunk. In fact, Krunk will ceast to exist, for Krunk only exists through the virtual world. (although there were a few incidents where he did come to the real world, *shivers* hate to think he's able to do something like that). but anyway, my computer's been autorebooting, seems a bit more stable when I removed 1 stick of 256MB ram, but running my system @ 256MB was HORRIBLE! everything lagged, etc. etc. I did some test to try to figure out what went wrong. I pulled out my AIW ATI Radeon 8500 and tried the onboard vcard, computer reboots immediately after posting. yucky. stuck the vcard back in, tried unhooking both harddrives and both disc drives (believing maybe it's one of my ide devices that's causing these reboots). still rebooted several times after it finished posting. then i found these stuff growing(right word?) on my motherboard's capacitors. when stuff are growing on your hardware, u know that's not a good sign. so yah, my christmas list has no increased from just a lian-li case to a lian-li case w/ new motherboard. for now, i hope this guy can still bridge me till christmas.

thanks to preyx for donating this game: Gunbound. looks very fun and similar to worms. free too! enjoy!

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