Medias of the Moment

©opyright 2003


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11.05.2003 -

almost done with our cs164 proj. bleh, who am i kidding, the hardest part has yet to begin: DEBUGGIN

thanks to cd-mcc for donating this link: OBJECTIVE: Christian Ministries 4KIDZ. actually got this a few days ago, just forgot to post it for u guys. hilarious website. at first it may seem that they're really trying to convert little kids to christianity, but in fact after u look deeper, it's obviously a parody. a very well done one. read why dinosaurs exist! it's hilarious! Dinosaur Expedition 2002

thanks to kharizma for donating this flash clip: ChikinRamen's Exercises. funny little chicken that teaches you how to dance. believe me, you'll be the center of attention.

thanks to preyx for donating this flash clip: D&D 8-bit Reenactment. funny clip of D&D Behind the Scene!

thanks to draconis for donating this picture: OMG!!!. *WARNING* don't click if you have dirty mind.

g'nite (^_^x)

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