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Medias of the Moment

Lee Jung Hyun - Wa -Come On-

The God

Beyond the Clouds (Original Mix by Morph)

MADtv - 2004 Presidential Debate

7:35 de la mañana

Gopher Broke

Guard Dog

Little Terrorist



Contraption Edited


thick street boy - 01

thick street boy - 02

©opyright 2003


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02.01.2005 -

thought of the day: why do we call something subpar when it's below average, but in golf, a score below par is above average? (donated by cdmcc)

 H  A  P  P  Y     B  D  A  Y     M  I  S  T  E  R  0  1  2  4  !  !  ! 

 H  A  P  P  Y     B  D  A  Y     G  W  A  G  W  A  S  A  N  !  !  ! 

after classes today, i came back and took a nap. not sure if u'd consider a nap to be from 5pm to 2:30am. but it sure was a good nap.

check out this awesome gift mechy got for me! he's so cute!

moosey (click to enlarge)

got this article from /. : Anxious times in the cartoon underground. if anyone ever wondered the legality of anime fansubs (licensed or unlicensed) or want to see where fansubs may be heading to, this is an interesting read.

got this site from /. : The SphereXP. if anyone remembers the looking glass video i posted awhile ago w/ sun demonstrating their product, this is very similar where your desktop is no longer restricted to 2D. check out the awesome screenshots and images. i was playing w/ it during cs188 w/ lilpsyduck and it was pretty fun. it has lots of room for improvement, but i'm just amazed someone actually did it.

(click to enlarge)

got this from HongFire:

super fantastic crazy power air combo punch

got this flash video from