02.04.2004 - just 2 mins ago, i got a email telling i've been enrolled in psych 160 and off the waiting list! sweet!
during my cs186 discussion, my TA would be talking about reading data off the hard disk. he was talking about reading data off tracks and sectors and reading pages off same calendars. i thought it was weird cause i've never heard anyone use the term calendar referring to data sections. so i followed along since calendar and pages seem to fit along. awhile later, i notice he was drawing 2 different platters on the chalk board and i realized he meant cylinder. half way through class, he suddenly ask, "am i pronouncing calendar correctly?" half the class goes, "it's cylinder (sil-len-der)!" i found it amusing. from that point on, he corrected himself which was nice. (^_^x)
something funny happened with my cs186 prof. he was totally against cellfones ringing class. made it very clear with a 3 minute speech after someone's cellfone went off on his 1st day of class. this tuesday, a cellfone went off and rang 3x. suddenly the prof stops talking and says, "that's mine huh?" he stuck his hand in his pocket and attempted to turn it off. after 2 more rings, the cellfone went silent. 5mins later, his cellfone beeped/buzzed notifying that he got a voicemail. as my dad always say, if you want followers, u've gotta set a good example 1st. ;p (i have a doodle of it, but wont be posted till my next massive doodle upload).
thanks to swiegwo for donating these videos: 2003 Japan National Yo-Yo Contest. posted another video a day or 2 ago with the backstage practice. now u can actually see the winners' performance. i just learn there's 5 categories: 1hand String, 2hand Looping, 2hand String, Off String, Counter-Weight. they're pretty awesome. they also have a trick list which tells u the level of the trick and some even have a video showing how it looks like.
thanks to swiegwo for donating this picture: (for all those gunbound fans)

click to enlarge
thanks to ray for donating this link: Binky Pointer Fun Video. THIS IS HOW STANFORD LEARNS CS